Sure Jell Fruit Protector 6 Oz

Stops Browning, Protects flavor. Ever Fresh-the all natural way to stop browning and protect the flavor of fresh fruits and vegetables. Sprinkle on fruit or vegetables and mix thoroughly, or dissolve 2 teaspoons Ever-Fresh in 2 tablespoons water. Toss with up to 4 cups of fruit, vegetables, salad greens. Refrigerate; serve within 8 hours. For canning/freezing: To pre treat fruit: Dissolve 3 tablespoons Ever-Fresh in 2 quarts water. Place peeled, cut fruit into mixture. Let stand 2 minutes; Drain. Canning/freezing with syrup: Dissolve 1 teaspoon Ever Fresh into each cup of syrup used. Freezing with Dry Sugar: Add 1 teaspoon Ever Fresh to 1 cup of sugar. Mix well with 4 cups pre treated, drained fruit. Canning without sugar: Add 1 tablespoon Ever Fresh into each quart or before adding pretreated, drained fruit. Freezing without sugar: Mix 3 tablespoons Ever Fresh with each quart of water used as a freezing mixture.